
Parselmouth can be used in various contexts to combine Praat functionality with standard Python features or other Python libraries. The following examples give an idea of the range of possibilities:


An online, interactive version of these examples is available at Binder: binder_badge_examples

Projects using Parselmouth

The following projects provide larger, real-life examples and demonstrate the use of Parselmouth:

  • The my-voice-analysis and myprosody projects by Shahab Sabahi (@Shahabks) provide Python libraries for voice analysis and acoustical statistics, interfacing Python to his previously developed Praat scripts.

  • David R. Feinberg (@drfeinberg) has written multiple Python scripts and programs with Parselmouth to analyse properties of speech recordings:

    • Praat Scripts is a collection of Praat scripts used in research, translated into Python.

    • Voice Lab Software is a GUI application to measure and manipulate voices.


If you have a project using Parselmouth that could be useful for others, and want to add it to this list, do let us know on Gitter!