


class parselmouth.Spectrum#

Bases: Matrix



class FileFormat#

Bases: pybind11_object

__eq__(self: object, other: object) bool#
__hash__(self: object) int#
__index__(self: parselmouth.Data.FileFormat) int#
__init__(self: parselmouth.Data.FileFormat, value: int) None#
__init__(self: parselmouth.Data.FileFormat, arg0: str) None
__int__(self: parselmouth.Data.FileFormat) int#
__ne__(self: object, other: object) bool#
__repr__(self: object) str#

name(self: handle) -> str

BINARY = <FileFormat.BINARY: 2>#
SHORT_TEXT = <FileFormat.SHORT_TEXT: 1>#
TEXT = <FileFormat.TEXT: 0>#
property name#
property value#
__buffer__(flags, /)#

Return a buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.

__copy__(self: parselmouth.Data) parselmouth.Data#
__deepcopy__(self: parselmouth.Data, memo: dict) parselmouth.Data#
__eq__(self: parselmouth.Data, other: parselmouth.Data) bool#
__getitem__(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, index: int) complex#
__init__(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, values: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64], maximum_frequency: Positive[float]) None#
__init__(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, values: numpy.ndarray[numpy.complex128], maximum_frequency: Positive[float]) None
__len__(self: parselmouth.Sampled) int#
__ne__(self: parselmouth.Data, other: parselmouth.Data) bool#
__release_buffer__(buffer, /)#

Release the buffer object that exposes the underlying memory of the object.

__setitem__(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, index: int, value: complex) None#
__str__(self: parselmouth.Thing) str#
as_array(self: parselmouth.Matrix) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]#
at_xy(self: parselmouth.Matrix, x: float, y: float) float#
cepstral_smoothing(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, bandwidth: Positive[float] = 500.0) parselmouth.Spectrum#
copy(self: parselmouth.Data) parselmouth.Data#
formula(self: parselmouth.Matrix, formula: str, from_x: float | None = None, to_x: float | None = None, from_y: float | None = None, to_y: float | None = None) None#
formula(self: parselmouth.Matrix, formula: str, x_range: Tuple[float | None, float | None] = (None, None), y_range: Tuple[float | None, float | None] = (None, None)) None
get_band_density(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, band_floor: float | None = None, band_ceiling: float | None = None) float#
get_band_density(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, band: Tuple[float | None, float | None] = (None, None)) float
get_band_density_difference(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, low_band_floor: float | None = None, low_band_ceiling: float | None = None, high_band_floor: float | None = None, high_band_ceiling: float | None = None) float#
get_band_density_difference(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, low_band: Tuple[float | None, float | None] = (None, None), high_band: Tuple[float | None, float | None] = (None, None)) float
get_band_energy(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, band_floor: float | None = None, band_ceiling: float | None = None) float#
get_band_energy(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, band: Tuple[float | None, float | None] = (None, None)) float
get_band_energy_difference(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, low_band_floor: float | None = None, low_band_ceiling: float | None = None, high_band_floor: float | None = None, high_band_ceiling: float | None = None) float#
get_band_energy_difference(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, low_band: Tuple[float | None, float | None] = (None, None), high_band: Tuple[float | None, float | None] = (None, None)) float
get_bin_number_from_frequency(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, frequency: float) float#
get_bin_width(self: parselmouth.Spectrum) float#
get_center_of_gravity(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, power: Positive[float] = 2.0) float#
get_central_moment(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, moment: Positive[float], power: Positive[float] = 2.0) float#
get_centre_of_gravity(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, power: Positive[float] = 2.0) float#
get_column_distance(self: parselmouth.Matrix) float#
get_frequency_from_bin_number(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, band_number: Positive[int]) float#
get_highest_frequency(self: parselmouth.Spectrum) float#
get_highest_x(self: parselmouth.Matrix) float#
get_highest_y(self: parselmouth.Matrix) float#
get_imaginary_value_in_bin(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, bin_number: Positive[int]) float#
get_kurtosis(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, power: Positive[float] = 2.0) float#
get_lowest_frequency(self: parselmouth.Spectrum) float#
get_lowest_x(self: parselmouth.Matrix) float#
get_lowest_y(self: parselmouth.Matrix) float#
get_maximum(self: parselmouth.Matrix) float#
get_minimum(self: parselmouth.Matrix) float#
get_number_of_bins(self: parselmouth.Spectrum) int#
get_number_of_columns(self: parselmouth.Matrix) int#
get_number_of_rows(self: parselmouth.Matrix) int#
get_real_value_in_bin(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, bin_number: Positive[int]) float#
get_row_distance(self: parselmouth.Matrix) float#
get_skewness(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, power: Positive[float] = 2.0) float#
get_standard_deviation(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, power: Positive[float] = 2.0) float#
get_sum(self: parselmouth.Matrix) float#
get_value_at_xy(self: parselmouth.Matrix, x: float, y: float) float#
get_value_in_bin(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, bin_number: Positive[int]) complex#
get_value_in_cell(self: parselmouth.Matrix, row_number: Positive[int], column_number: Positive[int]) float#
get_x_of_column(self: parselmouth.Matrix, column_number: Positive[int]) float#
get_y_of_row(self: parselmouth.Matrix, row_number: Positive[int]) float#
info(self: parselmouth.Thing) str#
lpc_smoothing(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, num_peaks: Positive[int] = 5, pre_emphasis_from: Positive[float] = 50.0) parselmouth.Spectrum#
static read(file_path: str) parselmouth.Data#

Read a file into a parselmouth.Data object.


file_path (str) – The path of the file on disk to read.


The Praat Data object that was read.

Return type:


save(self: parselmouth.Data, file_path: str, format: parselmouth.Data.FileFormat = <FileFormat.TEXT: 0>) None#
save_as_binary_file(self: parselmouth.Data, file_path: str) None#
save_as_headerless_spreadsheet_file(self: parselmouth.Matrix, file_path: str) None#
save_as_matrix_text_file(self: parselmouth.Matrix, file_path: str) None#
save_as_short_text_file(self: parselmouth.Data, file_path: str) None#
save_as_text_file(self: parselmouth.Data, file_path: str) None#
scale_x_by(self: parselmouth.Function, scale: Positive[float]) None#
scale_x_to(self: parselmouth.Function, new_xmin: float, new_xmax: float) None#
set_imaginary_value_in_bin(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, bin_number: Positive[int], value: float) None#
set_real_value_in_bin(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, bin_number: Positive[int], value: float) None#
set_value(self: parselmouth.Matrix, row_number: Positive[int], column_number: Positive[int], new_value: float) None#
set_value_in_bin(self: parselmouth.Spectrum, bin_number: Positive[int], value: complex) None#
shift_x_by(self: parselmouth.Function, shift: float) None#
shift_x_to(self: parselmouth.Function, x: float, new_x: float) None#
to_sound(self: parselmouth.Spectrum) parselmouth.Sound#
to_spectrogram(self: parselmouth.Spectrum) parselmouth.Spectrogram#
x_bins(self: parselmouth.Sampled) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]#
x_grid(self: parselmouth.Sampled) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]#
xs(self: parselmouth.Sampled) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]#
y_bins(self: parselmouth.SampledXY) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]#
y_grid(self: parselmouth.SampledXY) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]#
ys(self: parselmouth.SampledXY) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]#
__hash__ = None#
property bin_width#
property class_name#
property df#
property dx#
property dy#
property fmax#
property fmin#
property full_name#
property highest_frequency#
property lowest_frequency#
property n_bins#
property n_columns#
property n_rows#
property name#
property nf#
property nx#
property ny#
property values#
property x1#
property xmax#
property xmin#
property xrange#
property y1#
property ymax#
property ymin#
property yrange#